Monday, December 23, 2013

Thinking of you...

The holidays are tough for everyone. They’re especially tough for those struggling with an estranged family or PTSD, or both. Brainstorming the best way to reach out to those falling into the above categories has me searching endlessly for answers. I am by no means an expert but feel pretty well rounded on the topic and hope what follows helps, even if just a little.

Finding normalcy takes a really strong person. I’m not talking about normal, because I reject any sort of label, I’m talking about your individual normalcy. Your contentment and happiness are the most important aspects of your life, your normal. With the loaming reminders of what has you feeling melancholy around the holidays it’s important to reflect on who you are and what makes you smile. Whether it’s painting a masterpiece or confronting a longtime fear, we all share a desire to find contentment.

I had a pretty rough day and struggle to find peace. Still, I can’t let setbacks detour me from who I am or what I’m trying to achieve. There is no way I’d be here today if I let the small things get in the way of the big picture. After all, we’re only here for a short time. Who knows what’s beyond life. We all have our beliefs but none of us “know”, so it seems logical to embrace the here and now. To love, appreciate the small things, give and have hope. Is there anything else more important? I don’t believe there is.

While I could list a bunch of sources to seek help, I think it’s more important to remind you how much you’re loved. Even in your lowest point, you are always loved. I love you, but I doubt I’m the only one. When we get down it’s hard to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Yet it’s our responsibility to remain strong and seek help when we need it. Whether you write, paint or mix records… happiness is in arms reach. If you feel none of this makes sense, I beg you to reach out to me.

We are just one star in the galaxy. A tiny little planet struggling to feel connected. What’s ironic is that we all make up the whole of this planet and each of us are vital to the survival of the future, yet we still feel so distant from one another. We are all connected. We all share the present moment in this life. The one thing we tend to overlook is the exact thing that gives us peace.

I share your smiles and your tears. We all do.

You are never alone. Please reach out to me if you need. This blog is for you as much as it is for me.

Stay strong and smile. It really is worth it.

Love always,


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