Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Incoming, Incoming, Incoming... BOOM". Much like a mortar headed for your bunk, the only thing you can do during the onset of PTSD is hit the ground and pray this isn't the end.

A normal response to trauma becomes PTSD when you become stuck

"After a traumatic experience, the mind and the body are in shock. But as you make sense of what happened and process your emotions, you come out of it. With post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however, you remain in psychological shock. Your memory of what happened and your feelings about it are disconnected. In order to move on, it’s important to face and feel your memories and emotions,"

This blog is dedicate to my survival. The only way I'm going to make it out of this sane is if I face all the pain and hurt causing my misery. The stigma attached to admitting I have PTSD kept my sanity locked away for far too long. Sure I went to war, but why do I have "issues" when others who went through worse seem fine? There are a few answers to that question, but for me it turns out I was predisposed to PTSD due to a very traumatic childhood.

What follows will be my past, present and future experiences as I battle my PTSD mind. My hope is to spread awareness by sharing what I have and continue to overcome.

Thanks for the visit! Please feel free to comment!

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