Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

This is a day to reflect, a day when Veterans are remembered for their sacrifices and scars. I’m thankful for all those who stand by Veterans for those are the people that give them strength. Veterans don’t choose the wars they fight. The only choice they had was to make the decision to fight for the belief of our freedom.

When I enlisted (April 2003) I truly believed I was doing something good. We were fighting the bad guys and I had a chance to help. I hated the grunt aspect of being a Soldier, but I also loved it. As time grew, so did my love for the uniform and all others who were brave enough to put it on. The bond Soldiers share is the strongest bond one could comprehend. At any given moment you have to trust your life in the hands of those serving along side you, and in turn they must trust you. I see it as a human bond incomprehensible to those who haven’t served.

Of course my views are biased and based on an unfortunate past. I never experienced what a family was like, in the real sense of the word. The military and EDM scene were the only family I’d known. During war, and for the first time, I learned what a family is, or one with a bond I had never shared before.  As I write I can feel a deep ache in my chest, as if my heart were really sinking. I miss that bond and all those I shared it with.

With that said, today I’m struggling to find optimism. I don’t believe Soldiers are treated fairly or even humane. I believe the system has too many flaws and needs to be gutted.  “I used to know what we were fighting for, now I’m not so sure,” WWII Vet trying to see the memorial the day of the Gov. shutdown. Regardless of the system, I will always have the highest respect for those who have served. They are my family.

To my family:  Thank you, thank you for giving me something to cherish far beyond my comprehension. I love you all!

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